Brimfield Bound
If you haven't been this year might be your year. I've been attending the Brimfield antique show since my early twenties and although it's changed much has stayed the same. There are hundreds of vendors, some who specialize, some who collect and some who just love their junk. It's overwhelming to say the least.
Some finer points if you're going to attend this years show (opens on Tuesday the 6th). You may already know but bring your cash. It's a no brainer. Checks are fine and larger vendors even use square but cash is king and it's much easier to negotiate.
Bring your tape measure but expect to find what you fall in love with not what you need.
Check the field schedule. Different fields open on different days and each field has a vibe. Some are more expensive, some feel more retail, some are better for picking and because vendors move around you want to hit them on the first day.
Collect cards. Even if you're not buying Brimfield is a great place to network or get some resources in your back pocket. If you love what Jane is selling at least grab her card and when you're ready to make a purchase in the future you know where to find her. I've had the regret of wishing I had grabbed the card because now I do have a place for that fantastic piece of art.
There's always a deal but how hard are you willing to work. I think I've heard it every year. "There are no more deals at Brimfield." I beg to differ. Depending on what you are looking for there is always a deal to be had. The more authentic antiques (100 years or over) may have thinned out because styles and markets change but if you spend more than one day at Brimfield you will feel like you found a deal somewhere along the way.
There will be a lot to see but don't get overwhelmed. You can always go back later in the week.
Don't leave without apple cider donuts or fried dough.
I'd be happy to offer feedback on which fields I prefer and some vendors who are must sees. Send me an email if you're heading out to Brimfield. Enjoy the hunt!