The Country Store: Let's bring it back
Growing up, a favorite ritual was to get penny candy at the Concord Country Store. Wow, does that me sound old.
The beauty of the country store was that you could pick up a little bit of everything. Lunch, homemade jellies, hand-made goods, hand cut soaps, alongside practical items like a needle and thread, cleaning supplies and firewood. Beyond the practicality of the Country Store was that it was a gathering place. You may stop by not because you need something but because you'll run into your neighbor and chat about relevant and irrelevant things going on in your community.
Although, there are far fewer of these gems around today, there are a few still in existence. The Warren Store in Warren, Vermont is one of those special places. The small village consists of The Pitcher Inn (amazing dining and accommodations), Pear and Warren Wedding planners, an art studio and town offices. All of this running alongside the Mad River with a back drop of Sugarbush Mountain a few miles down the road.
When you slow it down you see more. That's what I realized when we recently travelled to Warren, Vermont. My quick trip to the country store became 45 minutes of lingering. Deciding between freshly baked muffins, Vermont made coffee, a table top book about Northern Vermont, wine and a handmade scarf. All things that I may need at some point but not really. Truth be told my time there was actually spent sitting at a small table, enjoying a cup of tea by the massive antique wood burning stove while I chatted with friends and struck up conversations with locals and skiers passing through for a quick bite to eat. My family probably wondered where I was but with nothing really on my "to-do" list I felt free to slow it down and just enjoy it.
In todays world of rushing around (no judgement here) there is something so great and powerful about spending time in a country store, that feels like someone's home, where you can connect or disconnect, pick up a few provisions or just take in the scenery.
Some of my favorite country stores (that I've actually been to and are the real deal):
The Warren Store - Warren, Vermont
Gillingham and Sons - Woodstock, Vermont
Chutters - Littleton, New Hampshire (largest candy selection on the East coast)
Brewster Country Store - Brewster, Massachusetts
If you know of any others in the New England area that you would recommend, I would love to visit them. Post or shoot me an email with your suggestions!